Who We Are

The Zionsville Education Foundation serves the Zionsville Community Schools by providing funds that supplement existing funding, encourage classroom innovation and help students to achieve more—before and after graduation.

We help Zionsville schools get the resources they need.

In September 1995, a group of forward-thinking Zionsville community members formed a nonprofit foundation with a mission “to serve its school community by providing funds that promote academic excellence.” In the years since, the Zionsville Education Foundation (ZEF) has awarded over $1.5 million in Classroom, Professional Development, Student Enrichment and Donors Choose matching funds grants.

Through careful financial investments and meticulous stewardship of corporate and community donations, we support the future success of all students throughout the Zionsville Community Schools.

Our Staff and Board of Directors

Lyle Browne
Executive Director

Julie Bradley
Development & Events Manager

The ZEF board is made up of community volunteers dedicated to promoting and supporting educational excellence in the Zionsville Community Schools. They contribute their time and talents to ZEF by helping with all aspects of the organization—including strategic direction, grant leadership, event planning, financial reporting, and governance—and ZEF is stronger because of their expertise. These volunteers are also among our most steadfast financial supporters, and we are grateful for their leadership.

Photo Gallery

An album devoted to all the people who aid our mission—and more importantly, to those who benefit from it.


We love sharing funds with grant recipients. We also love sharing stories about the good their projects achieve.

  • ZEF Funds Innovation

Funding Partners

ZEF wishes to recognize and thank our funding partners for helping to promote excellence in Zionsville Community Schools.